Photo of Mindy Kaling and Chris Messina by Michael Becker

The Mindy Project producer Matt Warburton said Wednesday at an Emmy event that the upcoming fourth season, which premieres this fall on Hulu, will be split into two chapters of 13 episodes.

As we previously reported, Hulu ordered 26 episodes of Mindy, the series' largest season order to date. And Warburton said the deal "gives us the confidence that we can do some big things, some long-term things and see them through."

Episodes next season will likely be longer as well, according to producer David Stassen, who noted the Fox episode length "[had] to be a certain amount of time to fit in all the commercials," whereas that's not necessarily an issue with Hulu. "We can probably keep [more jokes] now that we have a little more leeway."

Warburton also added that "[the writers] have always wanted to use the word 'tits' on the show and Mindy and I will discuss maybe letting them use it once in a while ... But continuity is everything and we want people to feel like this is the same show."