Photo by Michael Muller

Cut Copy really stepped it up this time, releasing a brand new 3D-printed video for "We Are Explorers."

The clip, directed by Masa Kawamura, Aramique & Qanta Shimizu, actually combines 3D printings with stop motion, following tiny 3D-printed characters as they "explore" the streets of Los Angeles.

Fans can also create their own works as BitTorrent is providing access to the 3D files so they can print them out as well. As Kawamura & Aramique elaborate: “Our goal with BitTorrent is to hand everything over to the public…our storyboards, stop-motion technical plans, 3D files for every figurine, and see what they do with it. Even if people just print the 8 figurines that make up the running sequence there’s so much they can do and so many places the story can go.”

Watch the clip below.
